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My name is Agata and this is my personal website. Here I intend to post my projects, thoughts and ideas covering an unspecific amount of subjects. Shortly said, I may add here anything I want to share with the rest of the world, without following a theme in particular.
My passions include, but are not limited to: books, films, electronics, vehicles, art in various forms, writing, DIY and giving my unqualified opinion on whatever subject interests me at a particular moment in time.

Tranzistoria? What does that mean?

Tranzistoria is a fictional place from the romanian film Maria, Mirabela în Tranzistoria. As the name suggests, it means "transistor land" or "land of transistors". The plot follows two young girls and their adventures in transistor land after they accidentaly get caught inside a TV. Tranzistoria for me would be an equivalent of Alice's Wonderland from Lewis Carroll's book or The Matrix from the eponymous film series.
For those interested, the film is available on YouTube.