00: Hello world!

08 Nov 2024

Hello, hello!
This would represent the opening post of my website. The starting point if you may.
I've been looking forward to make a personal web page for quite a while, but after enough consideration, postponing and procastination I did eventually get to start it.
I did have other sites or blogs quite a few years ago and although I wanted to have my own place on the net again, I spent some time before getting on it. I considered using social media or various streaming and blogging platforms, but after noticing a revived interest in personal pages and anything else involving Y2K aesthetic and nostalgia, I decided to open Notepad again and put my skills to the test! They might be pretty basic by 2000s-2010s standards, but may actually be quite handy now!

Besides that, I went to the attic to retrieve my old PC from eons ago. Still works pretty well, considering it laid forgotten out there for all this time. Performed a fresh XP install and voilà!

Looking forward to share more about my adventures with outdated tech! Maybe I might end up ditching my phone and laptop in the process, but we shall see.
Hope to see you around! 🤗